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Documentation on russian language you can see here.
Documentaion is still not finally complete.
Attention: all that is written a black font is only comments and it shouldn't to be present in config file!
The description of structure of a configuration file:
The list of sections of a configuration file. The description of each of sections look below.
[type: config]
Section #1:
Section #2:
Section #3:
form *1
. . .
form *N
The description of the unit sitedata:
Here the main settings of system.
< part: sitedata>
name - the name of a site
login - login for an entrance in system
password - password for an entrance in system
defaultlang - default language of the system (for now available only en and ru values)
langsfromweb - allow to change language from web interface, if value not set then only default language will be used
colorsfromweb - allow to change color schemes from web interface, if value not set then only default colorscheme will be used
checkcode - a code of protection of system, any charset (not less than 15 symbols)
colorscheme - the used color scheme (for now possible values is: blue, red, green and silver, by default it is used blue)
SQLserver - connection address of SQL server
DBname - name of database
DBlogin - login to database
DBpassword - password forconnect to database
loadmodul - name of the additional module (look section "Additional module")
The description of the colors section:
Here it is possible to recustomize the color scheme. If you have already specified colorscheme in section sitedata, you can change some adjustments. All parameters in this section are optionally.
Attention: these parameters also are used in a file of the description of colorschemes (colors.cfg)
< part: colors>
button_text - text of buttons
button_bg - background of buttons
button_border - border of buttons
input_text - text of input fields
input_bg - background of input fields
input_border - border of input fields
menuhead_text - text of menu header
menuhead_bg - background of menu header
link_default - text of the links in a normal condition
link_hover - text of the links when mouse over
submenulink_default - text of the submenu links in a normal condition
submenulink_hover - text of the submenu links when mouse over
main_title_text - text of the top strip
main_title_bg - background of the top strip
errors_text - text of the error message
errors_bg - background of the error message
errors_symb - special characters
name_field_text - text of cells with name of field
name_field_bg - background of cells with name of field
data_field_bg - background of cells with inputs
but_field_bg - background of cells with buttons
admin_bg - background of system
admin_title_text - text of the current action
selected_menu - background of chosen item in menu
list_head_bg - background of header of the list
list_head_text - text of header of the list
list_line1_bg - background of odd lines of the list
list_line1_text - text of odd lines of the list
list_line2_bg - background of even lines of the list
list_line2_text - text of even lines of the list
list_selected_bg - background of the selected line of the list
list_selected_text - text of the selected line of the list
The description of the form section:
[form: name] - short name of the form, it is allowed to use only a-zA-Z0-9 chars
<part: main>
table =
name of the table, if this parameter is not set then by default it equal to a short name of the form
name =
long name of the form
menu =
name of the menu, if this parameter is not set then by default it is equal to value of name parameter
this parameter can be used for association of several forms in one submenu (example)
menutype =
type of of a submenu buttons, possible values: (example)
if value set to 1, then showing - Name: action
if value is not set or is equal 0, then showing - Action
formtype =
type of the form, now are possible only the following types:
auto - if not set the act parameter then basic actions are generated:
adding (add), listing (list), editing (edit), removal (del);
if the parameter is set that generated only the appropriate action
import - used in forms with upload files, are generated same actions as at auto
redirect - the form of redirect, by pressing it will redirect to address specified in redir parameter (see example in demo config - redirect form)
action - performance of action specified in act parameter, from the additional module (see example in demo config - moduleact form)
act =
if value of the formtype parameter set to action, then this parameter set what action of the additional module is necessary to execute
if the formtype parameter is set as auto or as import, then is possible to specify what of standard action is necessary to execute
id =
compulsory set ID, is used when setup the act parameter
an example of use thes parameter you can see in a demonstration config file - forms textabout, textcontact and textlicens
redir =
if value of the formtype parameter is setup as redirect, then this parameter is set on what address to redirect the user
and if formtype is set to auto or import, this parameter is set specify action carried out after addition / preservation (by default is user the list action)
listorder =
specifies on what fields to sort the data at the listing (it is inserting in SQL query after operator ORDER BY)
if the parameter is not set, then by default it is equal id desc
listperpage =
the amount of results per page at the listing, by default is equal 100
listshow =
the data from what field will be show in the dropdown menu of switching pages
There is a description of fields of the form:
if the formtype parameter is set to redirect or action, then descriptions of fields can be absent in general
field #1
. . .
field #N
The description of structure of fields field:
< field: name> - a name of a field as it named in a database
name =
the long name of field
type =
type of a field at addiing / editing action, the following types are possible:
hidden - hidden field
flat_text - plain text
text_field - text field
textarea - text area with virtual wrap of lines
textarea_nowrap - text area without wraps
checkbox - checkbox
dropdown_list - dropdown list
multiselect_limited_list - list with possible to choice of several values, limited five elements displaying (scrolling present)
multiselect_full_list - not limited list with possible to choice of several values
upload_imagedate - field for upload files with the button "browse"
date - fields of date format (by pressing mouse on this field will be shown mini-calendar)
start =
this parameter setup default value of a field (for date type fields are possible additional value NOW - the current date)
data =
the data, this parameter are used only for the lists, two varriant of setup the data:
1) array of values - array ("value 1", "value 2" . . . , "value N")
2) capture of the data from other tables: select field_to_value, field_to_display from table_name;
del_key =
how the field must shown on removal confirmation page
if the parameter is not set, then the field is not shown at removal
all values of the type parameter are supported, value flat_text is usually used
lst_key =
visualization format of the field at the listing, the following types are possible:
text - plain text
text_without_breaks - text without wraps of lines (it is desirable to use for fields with type date)
single_value_list - for list type fild with one possible value
multiple_value_list - for list type fild with an opportunity of several values
yes_or_no - shows is present or not the data in a field (for example it is convenient to use for fields with type upload_imagedate)